I went up to Logan a few weeks ago for my cousin's wedding...and Miranda and Annie-my friends from nannying put together a darling shower. Jackie was in town from Massachusetts, Alicia came down from Pocatello and Miranda hadn't left for Germany yet so it was perfect timing. I also got to see cute Kristen who I haven't seen forever! It was so good to hang out with them and spend some quality girl time together (Jackie's boyfriend Eddie was there, but he fit right in!). I don't miss nannying...but I definitely miss the friends that I got to play with every day while out there! I got the cutest stuff at my shower and it made me so excited for my little girl! Thanks girls, I loved it!!!
I can't believe you are already having showers. I guess time flies when you are NOT the one that is pregnant. You are probably saying this is the longest 9 months of my life, but your precious girl will be here before you know it.
hey lady I miss you and hope all well. I am so sticken jealous that you are having a girl you lucky duck.. I am so happy for you though. I wish you the best and call me anytime. my number is 403-7333.
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