Thursday, August 21, 2008

Straight from Heaven...

As I posted before, Scarlett decided to make her big debut two weeks early on August 12 at 1:32pm. She came after 13.5 hours of labor and 1 hour of pushing. She is so sweet and I can't believe how much I love her. I went into the hospital at 3:30am after having rough contractions since midnight. I was so scared and couldn't believe it was the real deal, that I was really going to have her. At about 7:30am I got my epidural which was HEAVEN! I can't even imagine what it would be like to go through labor natural. My doctor came in at about 12:30 and told me it was time to start pushing. I was scared to death and couldn't believe it was time. I don't think I have ever felt so much stress or pressure or have been so scared in my life! I don't think I could ever explain all the emotions and thoughts that were going through my head at that time! Scarlett got stuck with her head about 1/2 way out for about 20 minutes but after the episiodimy she came right out. She is just perfect and we are so blessed to have her in our lives. Here is her first day of life! We couldn't believe how alert she was that day. I had her about 1:30 and she did not sleep at all until about 8:30pm. She was so excited to be here and couldn't sleep after all the excitement! Enjoy...


BreAna said...

oh kristi she is so cute and congrats again. i love all the hair. I am looking forward to meeting her.

The Staheli's said...

WOW! SHe's beautiful. And you look amazing. Congratulations!!!

Clenece said...

I LOVE all her hair. It is so nice to have baby girls with hair. So much more fun. I am also glad to hear labor went well for you! Great JOB!

Yvonne said...

congrats you guys! How exciting to have your first. Reading your posts takes me back to almost two years ago when Emerson was born. I felt a lot of the same emotions you did, most likely, you can't explain them. And Mike probally felt weak in the knees cause he couldn't believe what you were going through and the greatness of it all! But anyway congrats, enjoy every moment it does go fast.