OOOHHHHH Yeah!!!! Yep...I met Kyle
Korver. Scarlett met him too! We were at Huntington Beach for
Rebelette Camp and just shopping around in the little boardwalk shops and in walked KYLE
KORVER! I almost died! I was really star struck! I was shaking so bad I couldn't take the picture! This is how it went down...Kyle walked in. I immediately knew it was him, but I didn't know know. So I started following him around the little shop. We made eye contact about 5 times and he was pry thinking I was a little creepy following him around. I asked my friend to ask for a picture, but she
wouldn't (even after I offered her $10.00). So finally, I said, "Kyle" and looked away (just in case it wasn't him) well sure enough, it was him and he said "yeah?" I then said, "I knew it was you Kyle
Korver!" I was so excited! I then told him that I was from Utah and Kathleen (my friend) piped in and told him that we are huge Jazz fans. He smiled and asked us what we were doing in Huntington. Yep, I even had
convo with him! I then asked him for a picture and he was as kind as ever and said yes. Kori and I then took a picture with him and I asked him if he would take one with Scarlett! He said yes and even kindly waited while I put her bow back in her hair! :) Well, I was shaking so bad that I couldn't get my camera to work and so I told him, "I am so sorry, I'm really star struck!" He just laughed and squatted their patiently! It was funny because all of the workers in the store were asking who he was. I guess if you're not from Utah or
Milwaukee you wouldn't really know. But he was kind and gracious and I MET KYLE
KORVER!:) Don't worry...the first person I called to tell was Mike!
Look at how cute! He's just looking at her so sweetly!
Scarlett did not care what was going on!
And yes...he is even MORE beautiful in person than on television! What I like about him is that he is so nice and does a lot of charity work and is suppose to be just a good all around kid. I love it when they're grounded and not arrogant guys like Terrell Owens. We need more role models like this for little kids!