Scarlett is at such a fun age! She loves life and is the happiest girl! She is sassy and sweet and just fun. Some fun things about Scarlett-
*She LOVES her sleep. Most of the time she sleeps 12-13 hours a night.
*She only has four teeth. Two on bottom and two FANGS on top. Yes, FANGS. She is a vampire. (more picts to come)
*She is the pickiest eater...but wants a bite of everything we eat. She begs by saying "bite,bite"
*She loves to read. She brings me a book and says "boook boook" about every hour.
*She loves her binky and blanky at night.
*She loves to play with her friends.
*She has to pick out her own shoes and always picks her squeaky shoes.
*She looks just like my baby pictures.
*She LOVES to dance and play with pom-poms. Every time the music goes on during Rebelettes, she stands up and dances. When it stops, she sits down and continues playing. It makes practice quite hilarious!
*She is starting to talk a ton! Her favorite word is "Dweet" for treat. She will try to repeat everything you say.
*She "wallops" her daddy when he kisses her and she doesn't want him to. (Walloping is a wack across the face...I'm not going to lie, it is HILARIOUS! She does it like on cue!)
*She loves purses...getting into them and carrying them around.
*She loves to be part of the party!
*She loves to sing and lead music.